Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mixed Results

Okay its been a Month since the last updated the status of my Angel Brenda Walls, we have completed 2 rounds of chemo and had a complete PET scan with contrast. The results are mixed I say mixed because she had no new tumors but the ones in her spleen and 2 in her left lung had grown 1-2mm in 6 weeks but the 1 in the liver grew about 5mm plus the 1 in the lymph node stayed the same. So the Dr. waiting on some blood work and he might change her type of Chemo because she starts the 3rd round 5-21-13.
I asked whats the long term treatment plan he said 4-6 rounds of chemo than 2 months off and repeat until it quites working or until she can't handle no more. The biggest thing that this as done to us is we must speed up doing the bucket list plus it helps distract from whats happening. A windfall of money sure would be nice to help with things I think maybe I should buy a Lottery ticket.
Look I Finally got my Hair to lay down

Not feeling 100% and my head gets cold now

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