Friday, August 2, 2013

Getting the news

This happened to us April 9, 2013 Brenda Walls, we got the result of the PET scan and seen the Dr today. Its bad she as a rare cancer(Neuroendocrine carcinoma) Its a Metastatic disease on avg 7 to 9 months to live. The Dr said but could 2 years if she responds to treatment Like he said there is no cure but can be treated. we start chemo in the morning(April 10, 2013)
The Owner of In Style Salon in west Ashley. Styled her hair for FREE this Brenda's regular Salon because they do great work and very good listeners need your done give them a try.

because she said bring it on lets start this fight because we have caught it early and starting treatments quick, we should lick this but all prayers are welcomed


  1. I hope all goes well. Keep smiling and being your wonderful self!! I will keep you in my prayers!
